A couple of years ago I spent a couple of hours discussing the difference between a hootenanny, a hoe down, a clambake, and a shindig with a good friend. I remember we both left the conversation exhausted and completely perplexed at our inability to create some kind of taxonomy of festive gatherings. For years I let the question fiddle and fidget on the corner of one of the slower intersections of my neural pathways.
Only recently have I taken it up again and even then it only came up because I found a place that successfully straddles any and all classifications of hootin' hollerin' good times. This place is a lovely little spot where line dancing is ok and hipsters and spinsters link arms to do-si-do till the wee hours of the morn'. Here are some pics from my latest visit, sorry they aren't more clear, photographing line dancing is second only to underwater welding in the "skills I don't have" department.
Man, Kai took me to this place last week its CRAZY unique. Its like youre in a different era and a completely different part of the country.