People watching never ceases to amaze me. From your neighbors across the way to the daycare kids picking their street crossing buddy, the small glimpses of other peoples lives continuously fascinates me. I am lucky enough to have an excellent perch above a busy street corner making it an ideal place for people spotting. Walking to the metro the other day, I watched a garbage truck for quite some time. With their frequent stops, they were moving about the same pace as me, so I got to follow their progress for several blocks. The two men hanging off the back of the truck were polar opposites. One older man, who was rocking a drooping handlebar mustache, carried the slightly jaded air of someone who had been on the job for too many years. The other, a tall handsome man in his early twenties exuded energy and constantly teased his co-worker. Stopped at a light, the older man listened with a patient grin as the other told an extravagant story about last night’s shenanigans. Tossing his arms in the air and gesturing wildly, he failed to notice the light go green. The driver, apparently bored with their slow process, shot into the intersection with impressive speed and the young man bailed off the back of the truck. Picking his self up as gracefully as possible in the given situation, he chased the garbage truck. His co-worker, bent double with laughter, pounded on the back of the truck, trying unsuccessfully to gain the attention of the driver. A two block chase ensued. When the young man finally reached the truck, it was just preparing to turn down decarie. The older man, still laughing hysterically, reached out his hand and pulled him up onto his own tiny perch, where the two nestled close together and rode off into the sunset.
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